Monday Message
Monday, January 8, 2024 -- Good morning.
The big news up here in Seacoast New Hampshire is that it's finally snowed.
This winter had shaped up so far for its historically low snowfall totals. Specifically, NO SNOW yet.
But this past Saturday night and through the day Sunday we got 8 1/2 inches of white fluffy. This is more like it.
Although the current forecast is for 2 inches of RAIN on Wednesday. So... it's the new normal.
We posted a new episode of UCAP, #1083 (lgy 722) with guest co-host Drew "172Drew" Poley. Jeb and I talked with Drew about Jeb's new avionics and Drew's new airplane, among other things.
I'm continuing my learning in the areas of motion graphics and 3D modeling. To showcase my (still very simple and low-poly) work, I've created a virtual sculpture garden, where I'll be mounting and displaying my work. It's not much now, but I'm learning.
Real soon now I'll post a link to a video of my virtual sculpture garden.
If you're not already, please become a FREE MEMBER of this Patreon. I'll be posting my mostly non-General-Aviation content here. Life in Seacoast NH, my work as a digital artist, some tech training clips, and who knows what else. Also please leave a comment with your feedback, and telling me what you're up to.
Found on the net.
Here are a few things I found interesting on the internet this past week.
I'm pretty late to the game of being a Casey Niestat fan, but I've been watching him now for the past 5 years or so. A lot of changes in his life in that time.
In this interview of Casey he tells how he got to where he was, where he is, and hints at what may be next.
As an aside, the guy conducting this interview is very good. I'd never seen any of his stuff before, but I've now watched a handful of his other subjects. He's a good interviewer.
I'm a big fan of the Aubrey/Maturin "Master and Commander" booksby Patrick O'Brian. Fans of the book series are familiar with the beloved ship "Surprise". This video features the real life replica of the ship that the fictional Surprise may have been based on. It was used in the Russell Crowe movie.
Here's pop star Billie Eilish doing a different kind of song. She's got chops.
Horny goat weed
Finally, while waiting to pick up a prescription the other day I saw this. I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that people, probably in the national office of my pharmacy, sat in a meeting, considered this product, and decided that, yes, we should sell it in our mainstream retail drugstore.
See you next time.
// Jack
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